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Social Work

Social Work

Social work is a dynamic and impactful profession that revolves around helping individuals and communities overcome challenges and improve their overall well-being. Social workers are trained professionals who dedicate their careers to addressing the complex social, emotional, and practical issues that people face in their lives. They are often seen as advocates for those in need, striving to enhance the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities.

Social workers play a vital role in various settings, from healthcare institutions and schools to government agencies and non-profit organizations. Their responsibilities can vary widely, but some core roles and functions include counseling and support, case management, child welfare, medical social work in healthcare settings, community organizing, and policy and advocacy.

Social work is a versatile and compassionate profession that is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and communities by addressing social injustices, providing support, and advocating for positive change.

Social workers share a commitment to:

  • promoting social welfare,
  • ​helping people of all backgrounds overcome their unique challenges,
  • advocating for social and economic justice for all members of the community, and
  • embodying a professional code of ethics.

(CSWE – Council on Social Work Education)

Directory of Accredited Social Work Programs

  • List of all baccalaureate and master’s levels social work degree programs that are currently Accredited or in Candidacy or Pre-Candidacy Status. Use this directory to search schools to find their specific requirements including prerequisites, admission exam requirements, and application information.

UNC – CH School of Social Work Admissions

  • UNC School of Social Work offers academic programs leading to the Master of Social Work (MSW) degree and the Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work (Ph.D.) degree. In addition, MSW students may apply for several dual degree options and certificate programs.
  • MSW Admission Requirements
  • Doctoral Admission Requirements

UNC School of Social Work

What are the prerequisites needed to apply to the MSW Program?

Applicants must have a baccalaureate degree from a four-year college or university. Although no specific coursework is required, participation in social science courses and/or related fields is preferred. If you are interested in applying to the Advanced Standing program, a Bachelor of Social Work degree from a program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) is required.

NASW – National Association of Social Workers

CSWE – Council on Social Work Education

ExploreHealthCareers .org

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